Stephanie Dankers, Mitglied des Verschwisterungsclubs, war schon einmal in Swaffham. Es zog sie wieder dort hin, um noch einmal bei der Organisation eines Musik Festivals mitzuhelfen. Der Zeitungsartikel, der darauf hin in der Lynn News erschien, ist hier abgedruckt (englisch).
Town all set for free music festival weekend
Lynn News
Music fans are set to flock to Swaffham this weekend the see dozens of artists and groups perform at the town’s second Free Festival.
But one volunteer is set to go further than most to help revellers make the most of the entertainment, having travelled from Germany to soak up the atmosphere.
Stephanie Dankers, who is from Swaffham’s twin town of Hemmoor, spent five weeks in the town last year on a work experience placement with the lceni Partnership, who have organised the event in conjunction with Root Music.
And she is now back in Norfolk for a working holiday, which will include helping gout at the two-day event on Saturday and Sunday.
Stephanie, 22, said: “Last year’s festival was really great and I am glad to volunteer again, this year”.
Around 2 acts will be playing at this year’s festival, which is being staged over two days instead of the one day held in 2012.
Saturday’s line-up, who will be playing in a marquee set up on the Campingland, will include leading folkartists Robb Johnson and Rumours of Spring, as well as Fern Teather, the Blarney Rovers and the Novinska Folskaband.
And the day will end with a session by the Root Music All Stars, who warmed up for the festival by playing for visitors to Swaffham‘s evening market last Friday.
Acoustic musicians are invited to join in the session and should email for more details.
Meanwhile Sunday‘s performers, who include Swaffham’s own X Factor star Cyril Grant, will play on two stages set up in the Market Place.
Other acts appearing include Hey Rudi, who wowed the crowds at last year’s festival and local bands Midnight Circus and the Sharps.
Music is on between 2 and 8pm on both days. Admission is free, but donations would be appreciated to help meet the costs of staging the festival again in 2014.For more information, contact the lceni Partnership on 01760722800.
[The articel was written by Allister Webb, News Editor]